The Playful Mentoring Community that ‘MoVes with LoVe’
‘‘Although Jade may not know it, she has had me crying at times during our mentor sessions via telephone.
Having open and honest conversations has really allowed me to see things clearer, reflect and have a lot more faith in myself and my work. She’s encouraged me to
share my work as an Art Director which has really helped boost my confidence which can be seen in the amount of connections I’ve now made in the industry as well as the projects I’ve been involved in. I don’t feel any pressure to hide anything out of judgement with Jade. “I’d highly recommend IMAP mentoring’’ - RW Mentee - Artist, Photographer & Art Director @projectrnz
Read about IMAP ‘Purpose’Ship’ Below or swipe below to read more Mentee testimonies
Playful Mentoring - Mentoring with group sessions attached and playful opportunities ages 18+.
Playful mentoring or what we like to call it ‘Purpose’ Ship consists of one to one work focusing on understanding the participants needs. We build purposeful, positive and safe relationships and reconnect the individual to their play preferences. These are often lost due to the strategies in which the individuals have created in order to safeguard themselves which can more often than not build walls around them and make growth difficult. Further group work sessions support them in connecting and sharing with others creating a community. Every interaction be it face to face, online or via our whatsapp is done with purpose for purpose. Our Moto is MoVe with LoVe because when we do everyone wins.
Referrals can be made from various services, schools, youth practitioners, care homes and direct from parents 11-18. We will accept self-referrals from young people 18+. One to one’s take place at referral sites, outside in the community or online. Mentee’s are expected to commit to attending group quarterly gatherings and can access events, opportunities and experiences of interest through joining our whatsapp community.
Mentee age is currently 18+ this will be lowered to 12yrs in the near future. Click to make a referral :-)
Swipe to Read What Mentee’s have to Say……..